Welcome to our Protocolumn blog series!
Your Guide to Cultural Etiquette and International Protocol. Here, you’ll find a wealth of insights on navigating the complexities of international business with ease and cultural sensitivity. Our blogs cover essential topics such as cross-cultural strategies, global business etiquette, and international protocol, all designed to help you succeed in a global marketplace.
We also welcome guest columnists who meet our criteria or have been invited to contribute their expertise. If you want to share your knowledge, please get in touch with us for submission guidelines. Click here for additional blogs on business etiquette and corporate protocol.
The Spirit of Christmas Across Cultures
The holiday season is approaching quickly! It’s a time to celebrate diverse traditions, express warm wishes, and honor the season’s spirit. But greeting individuals from different cultures and beliefs doesn’t need to be …
Tips for Interacting with People of High Rank and Dignitaries
Before you can truly understand and appreciate titles as they are used in every country, you need to understand your homeland first. It’s all about honoring someone of high importance by addressing them properly. Hopefully, this blog has offered some clarifications.
Potential Business Opportunities for Global Business
The United State population is 325 million persons while the number of consumers in the rest of the world is almost 7 BILLION. Further, our nation’s annual economic growth was only about 1.2 percent this past year. So, why does that matter? Any business with such a low annual growth rate may be on its way to disappear.
Global Do’s and Taboos
One of the most common mistakes people who travel abroad for meetings make is the disregard for local body language, posture, facial expressions and gestures. Some are appropriate in one country but offensive in another. Learn all the dos and taboos beforehand.
Developing Social Intelligence Through Cross-Cultural Mentoring
Mentoring is non-threatening by nature and a great place to start developing the social intelligence that is needed to enable employees to interact with a wide spectrum of people. The role of mentor is typically assigned to a seasoned employee whose task it is to provide guidance and support to a new or younger employee. It is about sharing one’s wisdom by providing insights to achieve success within this company.
Arranging for Interpreters: “The Invisible People”
Interpreter: A person who translates orally for people of different languages.
Translator: A person who turns the written word from one language to another language.
Food Taboos Around the World are Powerful!
If a person realizes after the fact that he or she has eaten a taboo food (e.g., soup with bacon bits or beef stock), they may become depressed with guilt or feel physically ill. While it is a challenge to be sensitive to every food preference or restriction, vegetarian-based foods are the safest. Food taboos usually center around meat-based dishes.
Preparing for International Visitors: Briefings and DeBriefings
Before the event or meeting, get a list of guests. This will familiarize you with names (both spelling and pronunciation) and titles. At the conclusion of each trip, prepare a debriefing outline and a cultural binder.
Traveling Abroad? “Eat Whatever They Put in Front of You!”
In the international business class I took as part of my MBA, the instructor gave the following advice: “If you’re ever doing business abroad, and you’re having dinner with clients or customers, eat at least a bit of whatever they put in front of you, no matter how ghastly it seems.”
The Flag is a Symbol of the People: Display Correctly!
A national flag is often displayed along with other flags at meetings, banquets, and other corporate (or international) events. It sends a strong message that you value and respect your guests (or visitors). Consequently, it is important to learn how to display and handle flags correctly, and to respect the protocol. Displaying a flag inappropriately can send an insulting message. Furthermore, learning the history and the symbolism of your visitors’ native flag will make you more knowledgeable and your conversation more impressive.
Embracing Cultural Differences For Greater Business Success
Global business opportunities are lost when folks with cultural blind spots blame others for their failures because they think they did everything right, and that those foreigners needed to wise up to their ways.
How We Judge People of Other Countries and How They Judge Us
Many of us grew up with the Christian teaching that warns us to not judge others. Yet, judging others, especially those from other countries, has seeped into our individual and collective consciousness.
International Protocol and Etiquette Tips
Throughout Horst’s travels, he interacted frequently with residents in various settings. These interactions were generally positive, with many people even mistaking him for an ambassador due to the respect and understanding he showed. These behaviors are shared in this blog.
The Japanese Way of Tea
Popularly known as the Japanese tea ceremony, CHANOYU, the Way of Tea, is a spiritual discipline based on integrating the principles of harmony, respect, purity, and tranquility into one’s everyday life through the simple act of making and sharing a bowl of tea.
For more blogs and articles by Gloria Petersen
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